Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Being A Mortician Essay -- essays research papers

Being a Mortician     The word mortician brings what images to mind? The vocation of amortician is surprisingly different than it is portraied in movies and books.Being a mortician is a very rewarding job both personal as well as psychologicalto those with the temperament, training and discipline required to do the jobproperly. In this paper Ill be reporting the requirements to become amortician, likewise called funeral conductor or undertaker, the duties the jobrequires of you, and the outlook of this career in the future of the UnitedStates.     To become a funeral director in the United States today isnt an cushytask. You need to be twenty-one, a high school graduate with some undergraduatecollege work, as well as at least one neighborly class of professional training in mortuaryscience, and completion of an apprenticeship. "Upon completing a state boardlicensing exam, new funeral directors are qualified to join the staff of afune ral home. In many states successful completion of a national examinationgiven by the National Conference of Examining boards will qualify you forlicensure"(IRN 10). In different states the undergraduate college credit variesconsiderably, one-third of the states require one year another third wantstwo years and the other third requires three years of credit(IRN 9). Aconcentration of courses is also required in some of the states. You may needto take 15 credits in natural science, 13 in social sciences, 13 in business, 14in chemistry(IRN 10). In addition to your college work, you will need at least50 credit hours of professional work in mortuary science. "There are about 40schools of mortuary science officially recognized by the U.S. Department ofEducation today"(Shipley 220). The curriculum broadly consists of courses in"Embalming, Restorative Art, Chemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Anatomy, SmallBusiness Management, Funeral Home management, Merchandising, Accountin g, FuneralHome Law, Computers, History and sociology of Funeral Service, Psychology ofGrief, Grief Counseling, oral and Written Communication, Funeral Service Law,Business Law, and Ethics"(IRN 11).along with educational requirements you need to look at the personalrequirements it takes to be a funeral director. You deport to be on call 24-hoursa day 7 long time a week, deat... ... nobackground in the profession(CGP 3). The field is highly secure and recessionproof. Chances are that if you are temperamentally matched to the requirementsof the work and like your job, you will have few worries about security. Mostfuneral directors stay with their employers for many years and there isrelatively little turnover in the field(IRN 12). The earnings as a funeraldirector greatly depends on the area of the country in which you are employed,the size of the funeral home at which you work and the number of cases handled.Also, your salary will depend upon whether your fraternity in unioniz ed ornot(generally union contracts call for higher salaries and more generousbenefits)(IRN 20). Average salaries, including bonuses, for owner-managers areabout $60,000 annually. Midlevel managers averaged $40,000. Embalmers earnaverage salaries of $30,000 and apprentices average $20,000(IRN 21).     In conclusion, the career as a mortician is very emotionally andphysically challenging, but is a very secure future. Chances are if you set outto be a mortician and make it through the schooling you will find a secure jobsomeplace and be set for life.

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